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What is Radiology?
Radiology is an important specialty in which X-rays and other imaging methods are used for diagnosis and treatment in the medical field. When the calendars showed 1895, Professor of Physics Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered X-rays in Radiology; started to operate as a branch of science that provides diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Thanks to this discovery he made, German Physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901, also took his place in history as the first radiology worker to apply X-rays in radiographs.
''Diagnostic Radiology'' and ''Interventional Radiology'' constitute the two main headings in which the field of Radiology is separated.
● Diagnostic Radiology
Diagnostic Radiology allows noninvasive imaging of the body through imaging methods. In other words, we can say that it provides the opportunity to view the inside of the body without interfering with the body in any way and without disturbing the integrity of the body. Imaging methods used in Diagnostic Radiology; It can be shown as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MR), Tomography and Computed Tomography (CT), Ultrasonography, Fluoroscopy, Scintigraphy (Gamma scan) and Mammography.
● Interventional Radiology
Although its foundations date back to the 60s, Interventional Radiology, which has made great progress in recent years, includes diagnosis and treatment methods, which are usually performed by entering the body with small means (as small as a pinhole) after local anesthesia is applied to the patient. Thanks to Interventional Radiology, which is applied by interventional radiologists working in the Radiology Department, diseases have become much simpler than before. While this situation brings the diseases to a treatable level without resorting to open surgery and diagnostic surgical applications, it has become easier to obtain much healthier and clearer information about the disease. Arterial occlusions, Aneurysm, leg vein occlusions, Buerger's disease, Myoma treatment (Myoma embolization), Varicocele treatment, Interventional Radiology applications are used in cases such as cyst-abscess treatments. Imaging methods such as angiography, ultrasound and computed tomography are the most frequently used tools in Interventional Radiology applications.
Interventional Radiology is divided into two groups as “Vascular (related to vessels)” and “Nonvascular (related to extra-vascular organs)”. Vascular procedures, on the other hand, contain two separate groups as "Neurovascular interventions" and "Peripheral vascular interventions".
Who is a Radiology Specialist? What Are Their Duties?
The person who monitors the diseases in the diagnosis and treatment process covering the field of radiology and performs radiology procedures for treatment purposes is called "Radiology Specialist". Radiology specialists; Such as taking angiography, imaging diseases using the ultrasonography device and making the necessary diagnosis, taking films of certain parts of the body with the fluoroscopy device, performing mammography and magnetic resonance examinations and evaluating these examinations, ensuring the evacuation of formations such as abscesses and cysts in the body, and examinations of the esophagus, intestines and stomach. have duties.
Imaging Devices in the Radiology Department
The devices in the radiology department allow a more detailed examination and a healthier diagnosis in the case of many diseases and injuries, especially cancer. In this respect, the importance of Radiology in the medical world is great. In this process, especially ultrasound, x-ray and computed tomography etc. The use of devices is extremely important in the diagnosis of the disease. Thanks to the imaging methods, the devices of the Radiology department, which are so important in the diagnosis of the disease;
● Digital X-Ray (Fixed and Mobile),
● Digital Angiography(DSA),
● Digital Fluoroscopy,
● Digital Mammography,
● PACS (Image Archiving and Communication System),
● 16 Slice Computed Tomography,
● 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
● Ultrasonography and Doppler,
● Bone Mineral Densitometer,
● 256 Slice Computed Tomography,
● We can list it as 1.5 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
The Magnetic Resonance Imaging device, which uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to record images of bones, organs, soft tissues and all other internal structures, does not contain radiation and has no proven harm on living organisms to this day. The duration of MRI examination varies according to the number of regions you have examined, the region and the preliminary diagnosis. Since it has the best soft tissue resolution among imaging methods, MRI is particularly useful for imaging tissues. MRI is frequently used in the diagnosis of disorders such as meniscus, musculoskeletal system, herniated disc and in the evaluation of neurological diseases.
Ultrasonography (US)
In the Ultrasonography method, in which sound waves are used rather than X-rays, the image is created in a virtual environment through a computer. While applying this method, the patient was not exposed to radiation, and there was no proven negative effect of the ultrasound method on the baby. For this reason, it is one of the safe tools used to learn the status of babies during pregnancy. In addition to this situation; It can also be used safely in the examination and evaluation process of neck, salivary glands, breast, thyroid gland, joints and muscles, penis and testicles and superficial soft tissues.
Direct Graph (X-Ray)
This method, which is an examination using X-rays and remains primitive compared to other methods, is known as x-ray among the people. By positioning the patient between the X-ray film containing silver bromide emulsion and the X-ray source, a pictorial image is formed on the film. While applying this method, the patient is gradually exposed to radiation.
Mammography, which provides images with X-rays and can be counted as a kind of x-ray, is a specialized system for breast tissue, but it is the most effective imaging method used in breast cancer screening.
This method, which is exposed to X-ray radiation as in X-ray and tomography, is a medical imaging technique used to obtain real-time images of the patient with the help of a device called Fluoroscope.