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Obesity and Metabolic Surgery

As Private Denizli Cerrahi Hospital, our professional Obesity and Metabolic Surgery department, formed by our specialist doctors, provides services with high-tech devices and facilities. The use of high-tech, innovative tests and devices in the examination and treatment of obesity and all diseases related to obesity ensures that the process is under control with early diagnosis.
Obesity and obesity-related diseases can be listed as follows:
- type 2 diabetes,
- Hypertension,
- Sleep apnea,
- metabolic syndrome,
- fatty liver,
- insulin resistance
Due to the difficulties of urban life and changing dietary habits, the incidence of obesity and metabolism problems is much higher than before. The primary goal of our team is to detect such problems immediately before they develop advanced symptoms and to enable the individual to reach the treatment they need in the fastest, most reliable and most comprehensive way. For this purpose, as the Department of Obesity and Metabolic Surgery, we carry out various tests and index calculation processes in order to analyze the factors from the level of compliance of surgical procedures to our patients to the advanced level of the disease in question.
Obesity Surgery
As Denizli Special Cerrahi Hospital, we manage professional bariatric surgery processes for all our patients who need it, provided the necessary conditions are met. In this context, specialist doctors in our unit should evaluate whether the patient is suitable for two basic processes:
- Is the patient suitable for the anesthesia procedure to be performed for the surgical process?
- Does the patient have a health problem / disease that will prevent the operation process?
Our specialist doctors seek answers to these questions by putting the health of our valued patients first. With the completion of the decision process, this surgical procedure that will help you lose weight is started. Generally, bariatric surgery is applied when diet, exercise and other organic methods to help you lose weight do not work and the weight starts to cause serious health problems.
Who Can Have Obesity Surgery?
The tests about who is suitable for Bariatric Surgery are basically completed by considering the patient's body mass index.
It is decided that patients with a body mass index of 40 are suitable for surgery.
If there are additional health problems in patients with a body mass index between 35 and 40, such as a heart disease or hypoventilation syndrome are among the popular conditions, it is decided that the patient is suitable for surgery.
In patients with a body mass index between 30 and 35, obesity surgery is performed, especially if blood sugar levels have reached uncontrollably high points.
What are the Methods Applied in Our Hospital in Obesity Treatments?
As Private Denizli Cerrahi Hospital, we carry out surgeries in our Department of Obesity and Metabolic Surgery with two different methods:
Different surgeries such as sleeve gastrectomy (Tube Stomach), stomach botox, gastric balloon fall into this category. In particular, Sleeve Gastrectomy method is often preferred in order to restrict eating, decrease appetite, and experience the feeling of satiety much earlier than before. The adjustable gastric surgery method is not preferred by our professionals due to the high number of complications compared to the past. Stomach folding is professionally applied by our doctors, who prefer popular methods and innovative approaches.
Is Bariatric Surgery Harmful?
The persistent popularity of the modern perception of beauty in recent times has led to the emergence of extensive discussions about bariatric surgeries. To decide whether you need surgical intervention or not, you can make an appointment with the Private Denizli Cerrahi Hospital and then make your decision based on the results of your doctor's examination.
Recently, bariatric surgery has become much more "applicable" than before, thanks to high-tech devices and innovative approaches. Preferring small incision methods, also called minimally invasive, or using methods called laparoscopic makes rehabilitation much easier.
In addition, it has been proven within the framework of scientific studies that the long and short term benefits of the procedures performed within the framework of bariatric surgery for those who want to lose weight are high. The fact that innovative treatment methods are carried out by specialist doctors ensures that the process is completely under control.
How Is Obesity Diagnosed?
Worrying about being overweight doesn't always mean you're obese. According to the statements made by the American Institute of Health, a calculation can be made about whether there is obesity based on the ratio between the weight and height of the person.
The formula is extremely simple: Dividing your weight by the square of your height and evaluating the result within the framework of the following categories will be sufficient for you to make a preliminary decision.
- 20 – 24.9 – normal individual
- 25 – 29.9 - overweight individual
- 30 – 34.9 - obese individual
- 35 – 39.5 - type II obese individual
- 40 – 49.9 - morbidly obese individual
- 50 and over - super obese individual